Woof! Woof!

Cutting edge Ai tech can conjure up visions of the Terminator or even Preston the Cyber Dog. Yet in this example from the US, creative use of machine learning demonstrates that you can avoid anything too Terminatoresque. But, worse still, you may be subject to a relentless bombardment from your kids asking for a new pooch.

Rescue Doodles, from Pedigree, marries up adoptable dogs near you with your kids drawings. So, that little known stat that the average kid will ask their parents for a pet 1,584 times (by the time they’re 18) is set for a dramatic increase.

How could new tech benefit your brand? Think about where the pressure points are in your business or what makes you lose sleep; enquiry volume, enquiry quality, returns, rising packaging costs or customer retention. You’ll know which aspect to focus on. And then brainstorm ideas with your team. There’ll be plenty of creativity hiding in your team, they’ll just need the opportunity to bring it to the surface.


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